[Let's Talk!] If someone knocks at night or at an odd hour, what would you do?

Would not open door…if the eufy sensor picked up the person at my door then I would be able to see who it is before i choose to open door, that is why I am safe and my family is safe from unwanted inteuders :slightly_smiling_face:

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This nasty nosey neighbour has been detected and caught looking into bedroom window…she knows she is on camera but she doesn’t know where I’ve put them and curses abuse at me when she stands inside her garage but it’s all on camera :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I have eufy it’s great to see who is there :smiley:

I would definitely check my eufy live view feed. Make sure if I know the person and will speak via the camera for the reason of visiting so late.
Not a question of opening the door at all instantaneously.

This exact Scenario is why I have the doorbell system

What’s with the dumb people wearing face masks inside their home in your ad? :rofl:

If I could view all my cameras, at once, I would know exactly who it would be before I even get up to look who would be at the door @eufy_Operation

So many American answers here, grabbing fire arms and what not. That you all live in a country where your first thought is: I need to grab my gun, says a lot about the state of your country.

“the highest homicide rate” and yet your leaders prefer to make gun legal for everyone. :sweat_smile:

Why the firearm? Are you afraid of something?

Watched Too many Hollywood movie.s.

Been there. Needed help. Rang the video doorbell on the other 6 apartments. Lights came on on their cameras and everyone ignored me. Morally at least speak to the person ( safely ). Humanity in decline….

all I needed was someone to say hello so I ( or they ) could call the emergency services. Assuming everyone ca only have nightmare scenarios Monday - Friday 9-5 is ridiculous

The funniest part about your comment is that you think strict gun control will stop crime. As if criminals will just give up their guns because the government says so… :rofl:
Criminals will be criminals. They will get their guns if that’s what they want. I guess you’ve never heard of the black market.
Also, how is taking guns away from the responsible legal gun owner going to decrease homicides and crime? It wouldn’t. It would create more crime since they would have no way to protect themselves or their family. This should all be common sense.
Disarming responsible law-abiding citizens is actually a step in the direction of communism. No thanks. I like my constitutional republic government. :us_outlying_islands:


I’d check my camera and inform them on the 2 way that the police are on their way and grab my tool just in case.

I love my Eufy system. I have 3 outdoor cameras and two indoor to check on the dog. I also installed 3 Boss mesh security doors. I can check who is at the door, then open the wood door with a security mesh between me and the visitor. I don’t like guns. I feel very safe in my single story home.

:laughing: gkeukens1@gmail.com

If it was someone I didn’t know and they were silent I would use the alarm to scare them off and call police to be safe whilst live recording the whole process

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ive just ( FINALLY ) managed to get an Alexa routine set so during the night of the doorbell is pressed, or a motion zone directly by the house is set off, the echo tells you, the TV automatically turns on and brings the footage from the doorbell cam live feed up! Problem solved :grinning:

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I will have my firearm ready at all times, call 911 make the alarm sound go on, till police arrive always be ready to protect your family.

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