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Does the new cam 3C/S300 works solar panel?
I don’t see the new eufyCam 3C/S300 listed but not sure if it’s because it does not work with solar panels or because it was too much work for the company to add the verbiage.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

New cameras are usb c. Don’t think the solar has that connection.

I connected a eufy cam 2 to the Homebase 3 and noticed that most times viewing or downloading a clip will cause the iPhone to crash.

Have to go through Amazon. then there isn’t a discount

I’m sure you already know this, but the more devices you add, the more internet you’ll need. I hope that’s helpful in some way. We have Gen 1 & 2 all around our house with Nest detectors, digital thermostat and multiple tvs, laptops, etc. At first we were lucky to get a live feed up quick enough to say hello to the delivery driver, now with 800Mbps all cameras are super snappy. The HB is constantly pinging for data

When can i buy the new homebase 3 in the UK.

Lets see how the Base3 performs, so far a bit buggy when trying to delete multiple videos.

Does the new Homebase 3 support recording when your internet is not working?


these are ip cameras, they need to connect to the eufy servers for notifications etc. i believe the cameras will still record events during the outage. am i wrong? if your internet goes down at home and you want notifications and control you might try connecting the system to your phones hotspot if you have that available. if this is a system at another location then home (2nd home, or business) you would be s.o.l for notifications but it’s my belief that the cameras would still record events that should be available when it reconnects to the eufy servers.

  1. It did for mine cam 2 cameras just select that option in the motion settings.
  2. No
  3. Haven’t found that for this Homebase. Only thing I know that can do it is the ones with micro usb cards

Why can’t I buy this in Australia?

Just like every company, they start out great and then about four years in, bean counters or consultants come in and ruin the entire customer experience.

This annoying full screen pop-up ad every time I want to check on my camera! It should have a checkbox to say I don’t want to see it again. Another “update” to annoy users.

Stop listening to financial accountants and post attention to your customers damnit

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It’s a shame that you’re making us upgrade our HB2 to get expandable storage that was advertised. Do the right thing and give that capability to HB2 users!

Eufy is a sham of a company. This “support” forum offers no support for anything. It’s just a dumping ground of issues that go into a black hole. FIX YOUR SHITTY PRODUCTS.


I will buy straight away if there is discount in Australia!

Then I will wait until HomeKit will be supportit

Cannot order it for Netherlands?

There are people chatting about their HomeBase 3 in September and I still have to wait until the middle of NOVEMBER to receive mine, what’s up with that? :angry:

Question 2 is a game changer. Major design flaw!


I found out S40 cams unable to connect to homebase or cloud storage why offer to purchase service knowing that device is not supported features.