Eufy App Issue Since Last Update

Since the last app update there is an issue.
Previously on opening the app the main screen would show the last event freeze frame in each camera window.
What is happening is that you have to close the app, reopen for this to populate.

I have tested on both Apple & Android devices and logged out & back in but still have to open the app 2 times

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Seeing the same here

Indeed, app is lagging, freezes, can’t change modus. Seeing app the reviews of the lasts 4 days in google app store, we’re not the only one. @Eufy, please fix this asap! thank you.

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You need to submit log(s) through the app.
They won’t abswer here

Logs and ticket already raised prior to the thread, this to see if others are also seeing the same issue

same here, since yesterday modus blocked, app freezes, i had to shut down the homebase

Same here, app is not usable anymore.
I contacted Eufy support.

My Eufy app version 4.6.8_1721

App update out today and appears to fixed the issue for me

I joined the Beta program today. Lets see if the beta version fix this problem.

I have no app update. Still using stable

I joined the Beta as well.
My version 4.6.8_1721 as well.

Which version is out?

Can you be more clear which update your referring to, is it a Android or a IOS issue ?
Since the last two updates 4.6.8 & 4.6.9 for IOS I have none of the issues you mention using the App with my iPhone.
Hope this helps!

I have an iPhone for work en Android Phone.
I don’t have problem when using the iPhone. The app respons fast.

The problem is on Android devices. The app is nog responding, cant watch my doorbell and change security modes.

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Thanks hope you get the issue sorted soon.

App version on IOS V4.6.9_1277 seems to be working ok

Received update today in Google play store. Version 4.6.9_1733. And it is working great again.

Cannot download clip just crashed app

How do you join the beta program?

I’ve seen a link on the Google Play Store.
When you’re reading the info about the eufy App you’ll see a join the beta.

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Android app 4.7.1_!774 still crash app when downloading events.