Wireless siren suggestions for improvement

  1. Please add some sort of panic button on the homepage of the security app to easily trigger the siren in case of emergencies.
  2. The panic button on the keypad only triggers the homebase alarm which isn’t that loud and won’t do much in an emergency. Please include in the keypad settings an option to either sound the homebase alarm or siren or both. This will add more security to manually trigger the louder siren in the event of an emergency.
  3. We cannot specify how long the siren triggers for and the default it does trigger seems to be around 30 seconds. It would be fantastic and add more security if we had control over how long the siren goes for. For example we could choose 1-200 seconds.
  4. Allow different sounds to be selected like the homebase.
  5. Allow the doorbell chime to play through it.
  6. Have an option for the leaving and alarm delay countdown to play through it.
    Thank you for considering these features
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