What would you do when found a thief?

Hello everyone! First off, the lucky winners of the previous Chit-Chat topic are as follows, 200 eufyCredits have been issued to the winner’s eufy accounts.
@aesjdr97337 @Liz117 @seabolts_home @Chiquis11 @softail2001 @sky1228 @law93x @Ale16093 @dan24477 @Happy_Home15

Since we introduced the # CrimeWatch tag, the number of topics has increased significantly. So, in this issue of Community Chit-Chat, let’s talk about what you usually do when you discover a thief/intruder/suspicious person.

(Video shared by @Jer617

Do you use the Alert feature to drive them away? Inform your neighbors? Call the police? Or do you have other methods? Feel free to discuss in the comments.

We will randomly select 10 comments, and each will receive 200 eufyCredits!

Duration: From now until Oct. 31st. The list of winners will be announced on Nov. 5th.

Happy Chit-Chatting!

Note: Kindly keep your comments related to this topic. Off-topic comments will be moderated by the Staff team. For any product questions, please contact eufy Support.


I usually scare them off or confront them depending on the time of day. It’s fun watching them bolt or hear them try and conjure some sort of defense.

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I literally leave a baseball bat next to my front door for this very reason.
If I can’t get to my firearm fast enough, I can at least grab the bat as I’m running out the front door to confront the criminal.
Convenience and readiness is key. :100:

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I have always used Homebase to set up flashing lights and sound alarms, which scared away a person who entered my yard. However, I still called the police because I thought he might go to my neighbor’s house next. But the officer said that the person had covered his face, so it might not be possible to identify him in a short :joy: :joy: :joy:


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I have a Cane Corso off leash trained who backs up me and Springfield. We stay calm and warn they are on camera and need to leave.

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Actually, I will clearly write ‘There is surveillance here.’ Rather than catching them on camera, I prefer to keep them away. Prevention is always more effective than remedying the situation afterward. In fact, my eufy security system has never captured any strange people daring to enter my yard. It’s a psychological deterrent

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I always sound the alarms and the spotlight and call 911 directly after. I feel the alarms and spotlight do more than the cops could at this point because your drawing attention to them and they get freaked out and run and then know to not mess with my house or car again. If I called police first then the intruders could have gotten in my house or car or wherever already and then have gotten away all before the police could have gotten there. Idk what I would do without my eufy cameras to scare people off. I don’t think I could ever live without them honestly. Or even go without them for 24 hours. I just wouldn’t feel safe or able to sleep at night knowing I don’t have my eufy cameras. Thanks eufy!!!

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