Seems this is a self help forum

It appears the presence of Eufy official members are only here to advertise and not address issues.
Prove me wrong…


Buying into Eufy security cameras while they were in a kickstart, being a beta doorbell tester for the first doorbell and being on the Anker/Eufy community forums before the community forum for ONLY security cameras were created at this location.

While the old forums had a presence of Eufy addressing issues, It seems the only reason they moved CAMERAS and security and separated is due to the amount of feedback and ISSUES being received was overwhelming amongst their other product offerings proving it needed it’s own space.
That is fine but a presence of Eufy in this setting appears to only be for advertising and NOT addressing issues.

If you have an issue, contact technical support. They generally have proven helpful.

Forum posts in my experience don’t really help because you have 10 people talking about 20 different things in the wrong topic most of the time. A complete waste of time for official Eufy workers.

After creating support tickets without recourse, one generally does try other available avenues for help and information.
Especially ones that were tried and true in the past. The community Forums.

That information was found here.
And that information is…
We’re far from the only one’s experiencing the exact same issue.

As a beta tester, correspondence transpires in a group beta tester FORUM. That is how the information is relayed. That is how new items, their new feature requests and also their level of importance are discussed amongst multiple people.

A simple forum search for Google home/Alexa/Home kit turns up multiple ongoing issue that are still unaddressed and still advertised as working. This forum is littered with the exact same issue worded multiple ways and all without a response. Not that hard to figure out and I don’t work for Eufy. A quick search says…it doesn’t work.

Uninstalling 13 mounted cameras and reinstalling via qr code after rebooting multiple bases is futile advice from support but standard and normal for any support I suppose. This attempt doesn’t change anything and is a complete waste of time and effort especially when your configuration is not at fault. While I thank you for directing me towards support, that route has been taken prior.

The old forum, which a link has been posted above, has/had multiple Eufy spokesperson present and active in the discussions and actually working for support of their products and the implementation of new features that you possibly currently enjoy.

Their presence here is for advertising only it seems.
Just like all the ads in the app now.
Trying to upsell people new items for profit like hb3’s that appear to not work with backwards compatibility cams even though they were sold as working.
Feel sorry for those people.

After reading all the new horror stories here, I do feel grateful that the original Eufy cams and bases are much better than what is currently being offered and they actually do work as intended. They just still do not integrate with anything smart. Just like the newer stuff.

I especially don’t disagree that this particular forum currently appears to be a waste of time. That is solely determined only by their lack of engagement.

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Really? I have had the opposite experience. Support does nothing but request you to make videos to prove there is an issue. After that, you are asked to make more videos and then silience. I want to love these products because i invested heavily in there ecosystem, but there support has been horrible.

I look to these forums and reddit to find support.


Since New CEO, Anker focus is not on par.

I am holding off my purchases.

I thought this was going to be a nice system. I really had my hopes up. But, after my own personal experience, the crazy lack of support from Eufy and their customer service team, and reading this forum…I’m sending this doorbell system back. I will reluctantly try to find another provider. It’s too bad that Eufy doesn’t give a shit…

I’m consistently receiving generic responses instead of real solutions. My main concern is that the system’s motion detection is malfunctioning, just like when a new shoe design for ladies misses the mark on elegance or comfort. Both need precise attention to ensure the best results, whether it’s reliable alerts or a stylish, well-crafted shoe.

If any of you have had questions after the warranty is up, you will see that you are in your own. I had questions as to why I would get motion alerts for landscape lights or parked cars, but not for people walking up to the door and ringing the doorbell. Once they verified that it was out of warranty I was told there was nothing they could do and would no longer respond to the ticket. Any new requests were immediately denied and closed.

It is a software problem, not the hardware.