Quick shortcut to turn Eufy Security Cam on or off

It would be nice to add a quicker way to turn a Eufy Security Cam on or off. Either a on/off widget, shortcut, or ability to send a command via a smart assistant or http command. Currently it takes going deep into the cams setting to turn a cam off which is a hassle.

It would be fantastic if a command sent via the Tasker app on Android can turn a cam on or off.

Plus the ability to turn a cam on or off by WiFi state. For instance if a certain phone disconnects from the network or leaves the cam location, the cam will turn on or off.

Also it appears neither Google or Amazon’s assistant can turn a cam on or off. I tried in both and neither can turn the cam on or off.


I hope now Eufy is going towards a more unified ecosystem automations and routines like this will be standard going forward.

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Is this going to happen? Does snybody from eufy monitor these questions?


I believe the purpose of this system is to record all of our comments, requests and complaints so that they can be completely ignored with greater efficiency.

This gives Eufy much more free time they can use to concentrate on making and missing even more of the deadlines they set for themselves.

If contempt had a dollar value, I would be a Eufy millionaire.

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