New IndoorCam Options Poll

Hi all,

We are considering to expand our Indoor Cam series, need your choice from the following 3 options in Pan & Tilt, which will you buy if you can only choose one?

  • 1080P+AI+HomeKit @ 29.99
  • 2K+AI+HomeKit @ 39.99
  • 1080P @ 25.99

0 voters

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Since you already have 2 2K options I would go with 1080P. Especially since we are talking indoors here you don’t need 2K. Definitely want AI though! I would pay 29.99 for a 1080P camera with AI! I would love to see pan/tilt and fixed options in both 1080P and 2K from Eufy Security! This gives people a lot of choices! Also PLEASE MAKE A HOMEBASE FOR ALL OF THE INDOOR CAMS!!! It is way safer than connecting straight to WiFi!!! You make outdoor cameras that safely connect to a Homebase. Then you make indoor ones that connect straight to WiFi??? This has to get changed before it put them in my house. I want to know all the footage is going to a base right inside my home.


2k without homekit for 35.99 :grin:


What exactly does AI do in this setup? Person detection, or person identification?

I wish you had option for 4K with HomeKit
The clearer the better.
Impossible to get license plates. And super clear images at 2k from a distance.


This is for an indoor, don’t have many license plates going through my living room :joy:


So you’re saying you can’t have the camera inside pointing outside to your street or driveway??

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Well… I see your point but why not get outdoor cameras and put them outdoors? Why put indoor ones looking through your window? (That makes the night vision terrible) plus Eufy Security is not going to make an indoor camera meant to be looking out a window (just saying) so if your looking for 4K just get a Outdoor Camera in 4K. Eufy Security did mention that they are working on a 4K outdoor model or at least thinking about it.


I actually use indoor cameras outside too.
Under a canopy. Never ever. gets wet.
Works great. So my point is.
The better the resolution. The better your video
We need 4K. And I hope Eufy is the 1st affordable solution. At least for doorbells!! :slight_smile:

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Rain isn’t the only issue with having something designed for indoor use used outdoors (sheds are normally classed as being outdoors yet it protects against rain)
You have dew point, condensation forming on the inside
Fog another cause of moisture inside
Much higher temperature range
Much quicker change in temperature
Direct sunlight

As jls4wheeler said indoor cameras aren’t designed to look out of windows
During the day it’s in direct sunlight
During the day you are likely to have a reflection of the camera
During the night you have a reflection of the ir lights or nothing to help light up the area
Mic is pretty useless


human detection and pet detection


Hello @Mengdi

So if Eufy Security already has 2 indoor 2K cameras with Pet and Human detection then why is another 2K indoor camera an option? What is the point? What would the differences be? Why not make the next indoor one 1080p since Eufy already has 2 2K?

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Why go backwards from 1080p to 2k?

Eufy and all other companies be
striving for better resolution, not worse

Go straight to 4K is what I say,
We already have 1080 and 2k

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This is very true and I would have gone with that but… no option for 4K :frowning: I think that if the only options are 2K and 1080p have both options to get to most consumers. Some people may only want 1080P because 1. Indoors and 2. Cheaper price.

It’s all about the costs, lower cost of production - higher margins on sale. So if you have cheaper camera you sell it more than more expensive one. Most people needs only 1080p and they look at their pets while at work.

Must have WDR

Let’s add the 4K option in this poll for $49.99
And see the results. :slight_smile:

Just trying to expand to lower tier market

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We are working on 4K platform, maybe we can see it in 2021