Latest Android app completely broken when using Bluestacks Android emulator

Good new for Bluestacks PC users.

I submitted a ticket to Eufy on 7/13/21 about the fact that their latest app versions completely breaks Bluestacks functionality. There have been 4 updates since then and I tested each one hoping that they fixed the issue. Haven’t heard anything back from them on that ticket and assumed they were ignoring the problem. I had tried changing any of the Bluestacks settings that I thought might help, but no joy.

Today, I was searching the Bluestacks Reddit and found that several Android games were having the same issue. After some digging in the Bluestacks forum, turns out there is an easy fix for the white screen that prevents the app from loading.

If you go into Bluestacks settings, under Engine, and change the Application Binary Interface (ABI) from the default of Auto to ARM, the latest Eufy app versions will now load and work normally. I did a quick check of the latest version of Eufy’s app, v3.3.1_1058(US), and live view and the functions that I tested worked normally. I didn’t do an exhaustive test, but so far, looks like this change makes the app functional again. I’ll dig a little deeper when I have more time.

Note: This fix applies to Bluestacks version 4. I haven’t had time to check the beta V5 yet, but I’ll try to check it later this week.