Familiar Faces Missing on iOS?

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to know if anyone else using a Homebase 3 with saved familiar faces are having the same issue as me where the saved names are still there but the images are missing? I am just seeing the names but not the pictures saved but if I check the app on Android all of the faces are there still so it seems to be iOS app version at fault.

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Yes same issue. Replacing them now, after replacement image shows as expected

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Hi, same issue here. I just mailed support. All familliar and all stranger face icons are empty.
For the familliar faces the names are still shwoing. I tried a restart of my homebase but that didn’t help. I also canmot retreive any video/data of familiar faces.
Anyone any ideas?


Sadly so far no resolution other than starting over again and so far Eufy hasn’t responded to my support request. They must be aware of this problem and hopefully able to fix it for us so we don’t have to start over. Nest has familiar faces and they never break so yo would of thought them being kept locally stored they would be safer from such problems.

Makes no difference the useless piece of crap doesnt work as it should . Instead of saying stranger in notiacation, it says the name of the person. One day, this rip-off company will fix the stuff we paid for.

Apparently, Eufy are aware of this and it was due to a BUG in the latest firmware and they are working on a fix so hopefully in time the faces will show up again on iOS.

Same issue. The AI feature hasn’t been very good as is but this is disappointing.

Does anyone have an update about this? Or is it better to reset everything and start all over? Thanks!

Same/similar; All my faces used to show the persons photo until maybe a month or 2 ago, and now most are empty/placeholders but a handful still have a photo, so mine is mixed.

Not the biggest deal but a bit annoying as it used to have all the faces with photos.

Unfortunately doesn’t seem to be a way/option to repair or rescan the footage for faces or clear the cached faces and detect them again fresh over time.

Hopefully a fix comes eventually

Same issue, for a couple months now (6/1/24). PLEASE FIX THIS!

Same issue here, known faces show zero events for all of history and it seems dumb that I cannot look at the saved pictures identified by eufy AI as unknown faces and correctly tag them to saved familiar faces.

Same issue. Wish Eufy could at least provide a prognosis for this fix…

I gave up waiting on Eufy and deleted all known faces and started over. It seems Eufy will not be fixing this issue so best for everyone else to start over.

So either manually deleting over 70 Faces or doing a Homebase Factory Reset are the only solutions here? Come on Eufy!

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Too many bug issues. Guess I’ll skip even trialing their potential monitoring service if they can’t even keep their hardware/software working right. Arlo beats them by many fold in quality, service and support.