eufyCam 2C firmware


I’ve recently bought 3 eufyCam 2C. Two of them got updated to 5.4.5 firmware version, while the other one got to 1.4.7.

I’m not sure why they got updated to different versions, but my question here is where I can find information on 5.4.5 version.


annoyingly Eufy doesnt publish changelogs of Firmware versions

The discrepency between the three cameras firmware versions could be due to the fact that
Eufy was experiencing a chip shortage due to covid and put different chips in some of the cameras
which has led to a really confusing and covulted firmware situtation as each chips run on different firmware.

Whats more is, there was diffrent funtionality on some of the chips, i.e the newer ones they are using in the chip shortage don’t support ‘activity zones’ you might want to check this is funtional on ‘all’ cameras.

I am guessing this chip situation is why I and numerous others have bought cameras that are not working as advertised and about as much use as a paper weight at present. I say guess because Anker have chosen to be very un-transparent about the situation.

these are the only versions I can find listed and these are all compiled by the community as far as I am aware

Yes, I saw that thread, but I couldn’t find version 5.4.5 anywhere there. :frowning:

Wow… I did not see that one coming… at least I do see “activity zones” feature in all three cameras (did not tried it yet, though)

If you click on the activity zone setting, does it allow you to draw the boundary box in?

Yes! On both 5.4.5 cameras and on 1.4.7 camera as well. The only thing I found (so far) is a different time/date format in the videos watermark.

That’s good at least. I am assuming you have tried to manually update the offending camera?

That’s right. According to the mobile app, all three cameras are up to date.