Eufy floodlights permanent on or flickering

Hi, I installed a floodlight cam last month and it seemed to work during 2 weeks until I left on vacation. During vacation neighbour contacted me that lights where flickering randomly so turned it off remotely.
I disconnected energy complete and first it had the same problem (permanent or flickering) so I turned off. Later I read that it was related to the lights being detected by Alexa app and on there so turned off in Alexa which did the job for a day.
Yesterday it worked during the day but after I left home this morning (lights went normally on and off) I got later a call that it was flickering again. It must be something when lights triggered for first time or something like that although some people told me that it was resolved by a replacement by Eufy.

Can anybody help without that I have to completely de-install and sent back to Eufy please? Thanks!

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Hello Joost, is the problem solved? I encounter now the same problem, but after more than a year (no warranty)

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Ive had my floodlight for two years and this has just started to happen, tried a reset but to no avail, any ideas Eufy?

I am also having the same issue one light on and one light blinking

Hi, I’m having the same issue ! Is there a solution for this ? @eufy-official

i’m having the same issues, which started last week, the beginning of September 2024.