Doorbell only rings over Bluetooth (kind of)

I have an iPhone with Apple Watch and wear Bluetooth headphones regularly. I purchased a E340 doorbell and setup was a breeze, but what I noticed is it doesn’t play any notification sound on your iPhone if you press the doorbell. It will send a notification to my Apple Watch, and make a a faint and brief static pop sound on my headphones. Just a generic notification sound on headphones also. (Changing the alert sound in app doesn’t change the notification sound.) other than a notification on the screen saying someone is at the door with a timer, the phone itself is silent. (Ringer is on max, silent mode is off.)
I don’t look at my wrist for every notification when I’m busy. I bought this so I could stop missing packages but so far I’ve missed 3/3 because it’s not playing sounds. Worst part is I was home when I missed my packages. The delivery people thought the doorbell worked too. (It does talk to them like it’s supposed too.)

This issue has been around for several years and Eufy doesn’t seem to be able to fix it. Their developers don’t seem to understand how the underlying OS works. They have trouble with both Android and IOS. Things like Do Not Disturb and Bluetooth have been breaking and then getting fixed, then breaking again. Doesn’t give you much faith in their ability to fix issues over time.

That’s disappointing. I feel bad for letting the customer talk me into this for their project.
Good thing the job hasn’t been started yet. I guess we’ll return all the eufy stuff and go with ring and closed circuit cameras like we originally planned.
Just a hair over $5000 in Eufy products sitting in a crate waiting on the job site to be installed.
Glad I decided to test it for myself before installing it for the customer, and got someone honest to reply in the forums. (Though I see this problem has been ongoing since 2021.)

The promise of easy access, localized storage, encryption, an easy to use interface, and all for one low price. It’s definitely a too good to be true.

You would think they would care more about keeping their business customers happy. Commercial installers can be the bread and butter of these products.

I don’t think Eufy gets much commercial business just because of their lack of transparency about problems and their inability to fix long-term issues. Word gets around quickly in the installer community.

E340 not ringing normally troubleshooting.

After some testing I’m able to confirm it’s related to connectivity between Bluetooth devices.

A. If I have nothing connected to my phone.
The doorbell will work as intended.

B. If I have counterfeit product connected to my phone such as my Chinese “Apple Radio”.
The doorbell will worked as intended until the phone added the doorbell notification as an exception for car mode. (Maybe yes means no?)

C. If I have Apple Genuine Watch connected.
The doorbell stops functioning properly and no longer rings or plays notification sounds.

D. If I have an Apple Certified Device connected such as Headphones.
The doorbell stop functioning properly and no longer rings or plays notification sounds.

E. Resetting iPhone to factory settings.
The doorbell will ring once normally and then return to previous behaviors.

I haven’t checked Android for a while, but there have been issues with the doorbell not ringing on earlier versions. My Android 8 and 10 devices wouldn’t ring at all.

Edit: Just checked on my Android 12 phone and I can hear it ring very faintly on BT earbuds and a BT speaker. Very low volume. If I use any other source with my earbuds and speaker, they have normal volume.
So I guess BT kinda works with the doorbell on at least this version of Android.

My goof: I had the app volume turned way down in the doorbell menu. Works fine now.