Another angle to the Eufy situation

I know i’m definitely going to get pitchforked, it’s better for people to see the other side of the coin to what’s going on with Eufy’s security issues. Whether you agree or not to it is up to you.

Take a look before you start throwing pitchforks at me



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I’m an engineer and own multiple eufy security products. I tested the problem reported by the media in these two days and did not reproduce the problem.

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Once reported, the website code was changed to remove the piece that highlighted the URLs.
The code still exists on the events page, but shows nothing to me as I don’t use cloud, so there are no events.

I agree with this video in that “to update the website” and your app, it has to send the images “somewhere”, and your app will/should then download/cache those locally. Turning on the full notifications is likely “implied consent” but isn’t flagged up.

I’ve had some issues with notification images (“Detected Capture” tiny thumbnail shows, but clicking it does not bring up a full image) not showing up since the reports, so I think “action is being taken” to better secure them, but that will be a co-ordination of backend storage/code, app code and then camera/homebase firmwares (which have received at least two updates in the last couple of days).

Also, the website portal is not showing ANY preview/thumbnail now, just a generic blurry image and a play button, which then connects to the camera.

I can’t confirm the VLC thing - no-one seems to want to post details.