Android eufy widgets

Eufy widgets? I take it their are still none. A simple 1x1 icon to arm/disarm would be a great start (much like your torch on/off one). Then maybe a 4x1 with different modes, ie home, away, etc. Anything would be a good start. If I am jumping in late and such a thing exists then please tell me where to get it as it appears people have been asking for this for a couple of years now


A widget would be awesome :100::+1:t2:


Any developer Who can build this?
It seems that Eufy is not responding?


UP! Please develop this, status of alarm and on/off button. I forget turning off the alarm every now and then in the morning

Yes, having to navigate the app just to switch modes is tiresome, please give us widgets!

EUFY, PLEASE GIVE US WIDGETS. This feature would be great!

Yes please give us widgets!!!

Widgets!!! ??? Why are there none ???

+1 for this