Solar charging?

The wired doorbell operates on very low voltage.
The doorbell charges on 5v USB power if I’m not mistaken. I’m wondering at the possibility of putting a small solar charger on the eave of my house to keep the camera charged.

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Anything is probably possible depending on how it works.

I do not have but does the doorbell work when it is charging.

If yes, I would guess it would depend on porch the size of the cable and ability to place the solar panel in a sunny area.

Unsure which you have as you stated wired doorbell and then a 5 v power usb. Is it wired or wireless?

A small solar panel cable is no larger than that on a set of earbuds.
I’m going to give it a try.

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I tried a couple small solar panels which put out more than enough to charge the 2k battery model. For whatever reason it wasn’t enough. Gave up.