Slow Live View on WiFi, Fast on Cell

I have a 5 node Asus WiFi 6 mesh network split into different SSID for 5/2.4Ghz. The Internet speed to the house is 1GB down, 30Mbit up. All my Eufy cameras have Great wifi signal strength over their 2.4Ghz connection. I use the Android app.

My issue is that when I am at home on WiFi, and go to a live view on a camera, there is a 8+ seconds delay (or it never opens). There are the rare times it’s only 1-2 seconds, but generally it’s 8+ seconds.

However, when I am at home or out, and try the same over 5G cell, there is no delay with live view at all. This proves the bandwidth that the cameras require is adequate and they are configured correctly.

What can I do to fix the live view delay I have over WiFi?