Person AI improvements

I have a Indoor Cam 2K and I think the Person AI needs some improvements. It only works if the person is walking slowly, if they run, it doesn’t trigger a notification. A lot of times it misses the mailman. I have it looking out a window at max sensitivity. I also have a Wyze cam V2, same spot, looking out a window, 75% sensitivity, and it detected more people walking by then the Eufy.

Hoping Eufy would update the Person AI. And no, I can’t stick it outside because there’s no power outlet


That sounds hilarious. The entire AI needs a firmware update then! I decided to enable all motion. That was a terrible mistake. Trees, shadows, records non-stop for 5 minutes straight, person walks by detects as motion, even shrunk the activity zone, and it could pick up cars outside the zone by a lot.

Does Eufy ever read or comments on any issues like this?

Mine detected a cat approaching my packages as human.

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