Lights came on with Motion Detection disabled

Last night was windy. My 2 motion-detecting floodlight cameras, at opposite ends of the house, kept lighting up. It was windy enough that that the lights themselves may have been jiggled by the wind.

I disabled motion detection in the app, but the lights kept coming on anyway. Why? I had to power down the lights and this was at 3am so no fun.

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@RocketJSquirrel Yeah, 3am is no fun!! Out of curiosity, were events recorded or was it just the light that turned on?

The reason I ask is because the Eufy Floodlight cameras have TWO different sections in regards to motion detection (camera and lights). Just make sure if you want the Floodlights off, go to Light Settings->MotionTriggered Lights. This is where to disable this feature or adjust the sensitivity.

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Out of curiosity, were events recorded or was it just the light that turned on?

It was strange. One light recorded 2 events and the other didn’t record anything. I see there are more settings to try if this happens again. At 3am, the simplest thing was to power them down.

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